Thursday, July 20, 2017


Let’s start at 9:00 AM. Jessica had just gotten there. She was trying to get person A to do X and person B to do Y and she went left and right trying to get everything taken care of. We left a little after 12:30 PM. Car situation was awesome. I got in Jessica’s van with Jose, Brooke and Zane. We each could have had a row to ourselves but they opted to sit beside each other. I got my own bench which was nice.
We made PB&J before we left. I ate the sandwich while we waited and I had time to call my grandma for our daily bible study. AND I got to watch the worship at the end of the sermon for church. They tried going live for the first time yesterday, Sunday June 9, 2017. I think it looks like I’m going to miss the next two weeks of church and Joe’s Bible Study. But I’ve got headphones, so I’m intending to sit in on it all. Schedule on this side allowing.

I’m really getting to know Jose. He’ll read this and freak out probably. Afraid I’m going to learn all his secrets. We were the first two here yesterday so we helped get people set up. And then it worked out that he rode in the same van. We didn’t talk much ‘cause he was in shot-gun and I was in the back seat. But we chilled a little at the Safeway stop and he’s been offering me food because I told him I left my wallet at home but I found it. I’m trying to lead up to the good stuff. He’s never been camping, he doesn’t swim. He’s never been for a hike either. I’m really happy that he gets to experience all this for the first time. This morning we were getting hot cocoa and tea. He asked how it worked. I thought it was going to be a simple explanation. I got him a cup and filled it with cocoa, I gave it to him and told him to wait by the hot water for someone to help him. Now, I wasn’t looking, but I heard a guffaw as people were surprised and hysterical. Apparently, he poured his cocoa into the hot water pot for everyone to share.

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