Wednesday, July 12, 2017

7/9/17- 7/11/17 Exciting

Fair warning: This is going to be messy J
Currently my laptop is spazzing out. It does not like scrolling of any kind. Which I suppose may be God answering my prayer to keep me from bad Facebook habits. It is 9:30 PM now and it’s beginning to get dark. We’re all sitting around blogging. I’m supposed to tell you everything since we last posted. Wow. How?
I think it got up to about 85 today which was pretty warm but then it cooled off tonight—I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start at 9:00 AM yesterday. Jessica had just gotten there. She was trying to get person A to do X and person B to do Y and she went left and right trying to get everything taken care of. We left a little after 12:30 PM. Car situation was awesome. I got in Jessica’s van with Jose, Brooke and Zane. We each could have had a row to ourselves but they opted to sit beside each other. I got my own bench which was nice.
We made PB&J before we left. I ate the sandwich while we waited and I had time to call my grandma for our daily bible study. AND I got to watch the worship at the end of the sermon for church. They tried going live for the first time yesterday, Sunday June 9, 2017. I think it looks like I’m going to miss the next two weeks of church and Joe’s Bible Study. But I’ve got headphones, so I’m intending to sit in on it all. Schedule on this side allowing.
I’m really getting to know Jose. He’ll read this and freak out probably. Afraid I’m going to learn all his secrets. We were the first two here yesterday so we helped get people set up. And then it worked out that he rode in the same van. We didn’t talk much ‘cause he was in shot-gun and I was in the back seat. But we chilled a little at the Safeway stop and he’s been offering me food because I told him I left my wallet at home but I found it. I’m trying to lead up to the good stuff. He’s never been camping, he doesn’t swim. He’s never been for a hike either. I’m really happy that he gets to experience all this for the first time. This morning we were getting hot cocoa and tea. He asked how it worked. I thought it was going to be a simple explanation. I got him a cup and filled it with cocoa, I gave it to him and told him to wait by the hot water for someone to help him. Now, I wasn’t looking, but I heard a guffaw as people were surprised and hysterical. Apparently, he poured his cocoa into the hot water pot for everyone to share.

9:30 PM— 7/11/17
So this is not going to work out. I cannot focus. I’m surrounded my new amigos.
… I guess I’m making a promise now to finish each days events today. SO today I need to update you on 7/10 Monday and 7/11 Today (Wednesday).  We went to Lava Butte and a off-highway vehicle program director, civil engineer, fire ecologist, public relations official, and recreation manager. After that, they ran us to the top of the volcano. We had a total of ten minutes so we rushed very quickly. Me, Christy, and Mike got permission to stay up for another while. We walked the loop and it was really nice to get a view that no one else from our crew got.  We got back and saw the lunch that they provided. They made us hot dogs but what was really special was the cookies. That shows effort and closeness and I just really appreciate that demonstration of affection from the forest service. They were great.
              We got back and did some “geo-cashing”. It was a GPS race. We tied for second with two bags of candy. They got some pictures of me deep in concentration trying to find them before anyone else could. Mike, Jose, and Robyn were on my team.
After that we ate dinner. I think I fit a phone call in to grandma before that. And before that we went to take showers somewhere nearby. Me and Diane jumped off the dock that said “no swimming”. It was glorious. We got some good pictures. I’m happy that people are taking pictures of me without my attention. I like spontaneous pictures.
While we were eating, I sat with the high schoolers. I hadn’t bonded with them much at all by that point so it was uncomfortable. Christy stood up and said, “Our table was talking about this idea. “And so now we’re all standing up at dinner and sharing about our day.” Jay, sitting next to me said, “I am not standing up to talk.” She hoped that our table wouldn’t have to do it. Joel, I think is more confident and even he didn’t seem entirely game to do so. It came to our table, I briefly encouraged them. I see a light in each of the high schoolers. They are all so unique. I don’t think they’ll read this but I’m not going to share further until later in the trip.
We woke freezing! Jessica didn’t skip me today. Instead she stomped up to my tent quickly and scared the heck out me. She knew I was awake by my scream. She giggled mercilessly as she walked away. I shouted after her, “You suck Jessica.” It was too early to filter. But it was a good demonstration of our relationship. I really like her and I feel comfortable with her. I almost thought about hugging her today. I’ll get to that later though. I asked them to burn my hand with water and they did. I just needed to get warm.
We were ready to leave by 8 but didn’t need to leave until 9 so Christy started a game. “I’m going to Outer Space and I’m bringing… Cookies.” I thought it was a different game … the alphabet road trip game. But I was wrong. I joined in because practically everyone was playing. We had an hour to kill. I think myself, Joel, and Christy as well as one other person had the game figured out when we started. Then they arrived.
We went to Sparks Lake (Soda Creek) and Tom Walker, a fish biologist got us to work right away. Jose, Joel and I seem to gravitate to each other. So we started pulling out fence posts and fencing out of the  creek side. Joel is super strong. So is Jose. That is one thing that always conflicts me. Doing manual labor with guys. They can do things that women can’t. I really love to work and work hard and work with my hands. I wonder if I should work harder instead of asking for help.
Next we drove to North Twin Lake to cut up the vegetation on the side of the trail. Again, Jose and Joel and I gravitated. And after that, I ran to the water. Jose can’t swim so myself and Joel tried to help him. No one else got in the water with us. We wondered how deep it was. I said I’d swim out a ways and then Joel said, “Let’s go.” Man, I hadn’t completely expected that. So then we were swimming really coordinately. I don’t think he was trying very hard, but I struggled to keep the even pace. I could’ve swam faster but it wouldn’t have been pretty.
We showered after that and Jessica left us to the other van. It was great! They ride with the windows down which is super legit and I was so happy. I hate air conditioning which is something that almost no one understands.
I want to write about Christina. I want to write about the cards that we played and ninja. Christina is really good at ninja! And maybe not so good at cards? She kept switching the sixes and nines. And putting down a king when she meant to put down a queen or something. It was really entertaining. That was her shout-out.  But back to the card game specifically. It started after I spent some time praying by the river and talking with Grandma about the reading. Leviticus 14-16 (Christina is pleased <3 )
I came and talked with Taylor who was sitting … it’s 10:44 PM. They’re saying we have to go to sleep by 11 PM. He was sitting alone. We talked a little last night. He began to tell me some really personal things and they told us lights out. Bummed me out. I was glad I got to sit and talk with him a little. We didn’t talk too much but I just sat in his presence. I think he needed it.
I came back and sat with the high schoolers who were playing cards. I feel super attached to them as a group. Because I know they have stories that they want to share. And I want to listen so desperately. I want to be their friends and I think the desire is mutual. It’s pretty special, what’s happening. I want to go into crazy detail. I could just talk and talk about them.   Like Jay is the very first one that I met on Sunday when we got to school. She has since gotten quieter. But … I don’t know. At the same time she’s more talkative. Like playing BS with her, it was unbelievably hard to read her! She started letting us in with little tell-tale signs like I saw a single smile when she lied once. I think I lost that game. And I lost OG too. Then we played Ninja and I won my first game ever! Okay, most of the high schoolers are gone. I’m going to call it a night too! Peace (10:52 PM)
We are going to be up at 6 AM again and we’re going to be out of here by 8:30. We must pack up fast. Haven’t given myself much time… Good night. I’m loving all these guys.
They played a really good song called “How to be loved” by Mark Wagner… not Mark Twain.
Dinner was awesome. We stood and talked again and everyone was more willing to share. It was really nice because Sadonia pointed out that she got to spend more time with me today. I really appreciated that she appreciated that time like I did. And the time with Christina was nice too. And Jay said “good morning” today so she’s really starting to open up. It’s awesome. They’re all so awesome.
My peeps from Heritage are cool too J Been spending tons of time with Jose.
This morning we’ve basically just run around a ton. We stopped at the museum and that was legit. I saw a bald eagle like twenty feet from me in a display (alive!) a golden eagle and porcupine as well as a bobcat! I’m trying to write fast because I’m being rushed. My pastor sent me a sermon on living uniquely as Christ has called us each to be our own part of the body. Some are called to be the hands, others the feet, and on and on. More to come J Hopefully this is kinda pretty and fun to read. I’m going to upload pictures.

Problem 1 of Trip
Eating Lunch when we thought we were leaving at 8 AM 
Strategic Cutting in a Forest. Good or Bad?
My van crew-- Marshmallow
Mountain... with snow!! 
Every view of water is beautiful
An impromtu of me :D
Longhorn beetle species ... I think
Our first dinner <3 
The Dock me and Diane jumped off
The water where snakes are... Leeches weren't enough to scare her.
Chilling while reading
Where the brave ones go

A meal prepared by the forest service <3 With love.
The view from Lava Butte
We went around the loop
Into the crater
Into the crater again :)

Flowers by the river
River by the campground
The result of fires
Hot cocoa for our hands
Dishwashing the first night
Moving the tables to a more convenient place
My tent

Pandora Moth
Listening to the Forest Service
Jose sleeping
Mummy sleeping bags are awesome
Jose at Sparks Lake
Volunteering at Sparks Lake
Jose hiding behind fence posts
Team lift, really getting into their work
Trail clearing at Northern Twin Lakes
Fish in pond at the Museum
Jose looking pretty
OJ and BS
Robyn's Rock
Windows Down, So awesome :)
Northern Twin Lakes Hike

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