Friday, July 21, 2017


On Wednesday we spent most of the day driving. We stopped in Bend about a half hour from camp to blog at a Starbucks. That was fun. Me and Jose were sitting at a table beside Joel, Judy, Christina, and Mr. Clinton eventually joined us. Judy was so sweet and invited us to come join them so we scooted (Aye, my nickname is Scooter) our table up to theirs. Joel had a heck of a time blogging so I helped him out. Shared my pictures. I love photography. It's so weird that not everyone shares that passion. We drove for a long time. We were two hours late. We didn't get there until 8:30. And we stayed awake until midnight. We planted ourselves in the shade beneath some trees. Jose and Pedro followed me. We were nearest to the horses and the trains which would prove to be conflicting with a desire to sleep. Note to myself: Check thoroughly for rocks in the ground. They were driving into my back all throughout the tent.Good stuff. But very warm, that was nice. I love the mummy bag.  

After we set up our tents, we prepared dinner and then sat around the campfire. It's easily said but the process took about two hours because we have to wash the dishes afterward. Then Wynex introduced herself and Acacia did also. They sat right beside me. That was absolutely terrifying. I was the first to introduce myself. I could tell that they were very traditional by their behaviors so I prepared to introduce myself the way Jessica taught us in the beginning. I gave my name, my parents name and she asked us all to share what we'd like to take from the journey with their family and I said I wanted to learn about how to help with the healing process. We crashed after that. I was crashing as soon as dinner was eaten. The drive is exhausting. Our necks are all crooked, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep, we settle for less than ideal ;) 

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